Close examination and Watering day today:
5 out of 6 of the affected Phals have started new flower spikes. All of them have new good leaves and/or have new basal growths. One of the basal growths has 2 flower spikes forming. This is in addition to all having new root growth.
The Phal without a flower spike forming was the worst affected - it went down to one wrinkled leaf, a dried out crown and 1 root. It now has several roots and 2 basal growths.
All the Phals had thorough Neem oil solution sprays and horticultural soap solution sprays once a week for 4 weeks. No other chemicals.
I've still not had a report from my water supply company. I've continued to use my filtered water and as they are all recovering I can only presume that either the water was poorly desalinated at the time of the problem occurring, or it was pests/mites that got controlled by the Neem & soap.
I've never had more than 2 Phals in bloom at one time so I'm super excited that I may have 4 or 5 together!
Thank you all so much for all your suggestions and encouragement.
I nearly bought another inbloom Vanda today at our garden centre, it was gorgeous, but I thought 74€ for a NOID was a bit much. (I think that works out to about 80$). So I bought a NOID mini Phal instead, 5€ as it had finished blooming. Fits the purse and the growing room much better!
If 'Bil' reads this - please can you share the name of your 'megadeath' product(s)? If it's available in Spain hopefully I can get it in The Canaries, if not I am visiting the mainland in May and could hopefully pick some up then. TIA.