Easiest/Prettiest Micro Orchid Species?
Hello all!
I am very new to houseplants and orchids in general, but I have quickly fallen in love with orchids! While I adore Phalaenopsis, I have discovered the wonderful world of micro/miniature orchids (on Amazon lol).
I am VERY interested in collecting some of these tiny babies, but I am in need of a little help as I don't know what genera/species are out there to even begin searching.
I have a Haraella Retrocalla, and I'm planning on purchasing a Tolumnia. Do you have any favorite *tiny* orchids? Maybe because they bloom year-round, or they're super easy to care for, or their flowers are gorgeous (and maybe even have scent!)?
Some recommendations would be great, and to me, the tinier, the better! Thanks!