Calanthe vestita late season growth question
I’m hoping someone has experience with this species/genus can help me out. I have a blooming size Calanthe vestita that has been in my care since early spring so this is still a very new orchid for me. The spring growth it put out has been growning well (despite my high temps), is fattening up nicely, but I don’t know if it will bloom (because of my high temps...). However, last month it put out another new growth, from an old bulb, that is now about 10” tall overall. I was planning on backing off on the water and fertilizer over the next month or two as that first growth finishes growing and starts to go dormant. Now I don’t know if I should wait on reducing water and fertilizer to let that other new growth develop. It’s grown in sphagnum with a handful of time release fertilizer.
If I hold off on dormancy care am I running the risk of rotting this plant? Should I just follow the largest growth for winter care and if the smallest one stops growing or dies back- oh well?