Just bought my first Vanda, and so far I love it! I waited five years but finally folded and decided it was time to try one. I purchased it in a vase but took it out and hung it up by wire on my screened-in porch. It receives dappled light in the morning and southern light in the afternoon. The temps here are gearing up for summer so we're seeing a high of 78-85 in the day and 65-70 at night, which is why I think it'll enjoy being outside. I also run the ceiling fan outside for circulation and the humidity has been high since it sometimes rains the afternoon.
It has a lot of old leaves that were damaged by being scrunched into the vase and some of them have sunburn? They're really discolored. Not sure what happened to the poor thing a long time ago, but the new leaves are huge and green. And all the roots are healthy and really long. A lot of the new roots are fatter and plumper, but higher up on the stem than the older ones.
I know a lot of people soak their vandas every day to every other day and I really think this would work for my routine, as that's how I water all my other orchids. I'm just really concerned that when I soak the Vanda, it could get stem rot or rot on the older leaves. Given sufficient air circulation, I know it might not be an issue, but I wondered if anyone experienced rot in the past by soaking their plants? I think I'm probably being paranoid but just wanted to see what you guys think. Thanks in advance