Originally Posted by Ray
I might have agreed with you on this at one time, but for two observations: the best phalaenopsis I have ever seen were growing in a greenhouse that was SO algae-covered that there was absolutely no sunlight entering it at all. Quite literally, when entering the greenhouse from outdoors, it took a couple of minutes for your eyes to adjust well enough to see anything.
If you've ever been fortunate enough to see some phalaenopsis plants in the wild, you'd be as astounded as I was about how well-shaded (no sunlight, ever...) they are.
One more factor to consider is that plants can adapt to lower lighting conditions. They may skip a bloom cycle to do so, but ultimately will adjust and carry on beautifully.
Not important if you 'agree' with me or not. We both are growing on different parts of the earth. Again. Greenhouse. Heat, humidity, moisture, and where exactly was this greenhouse - factors to discuss compared to OP's set up in Canada. I'm actually from brasil, so I know something about the differences in light compared to where I am currently living, and have cultivated and seen many orchids in the wild while hiking. An avocado cut in half with the seed left in it in the dark bottom vegetable crisper will have a tap root growing out of it 6" long in no time. Completely different set of conditions for LIFE down there.