If my memory serves, France is very sunny and warm in the summer and fall. According to Jay Pfahl's IOSPE website, P. elata likes it shady and warm. Here's a link to describe the conditions, so you can be ready!!
I have found them on eBay, US growers so there is no problem raised by trying to send internationally. I,too, saw one with a price tag of $200. But it was a 12-year old plant with plenty of blooms.
Mature plants have gone in the $25.00 or so range. From reputable growers.
Some of the seed conservation organizations also have them from time to time. I have a flask on the way.
I have found them on eBay, US growers so there is no problem raised by trying to send internationally. I,too, saw one with a price tag of $200. But it was a 12-year old plant with plenty of blooms.
Mature plants have gone in the $25.00 or so range. From reputable growers.
Some of the seed conservation organizations also have them from time to time. I have a flask on the way.
I received my plant and it looks very healthy. It has a large bulb with 2 large leaves and 3 smaller bulbs with growing leaves. I think it should take a year (maybe more) before the plant shoots flower spikes. I just hope I can keep it healthy in my environment. Now, it is in a bright and large North West window. The south window is hidden by a large tree and it is darker than the NW window. In the winter I'll move it to the S. window.
I just can't wait for the flowers.....Your avatar is beautiful
Does anyone know of a good and REASONABLE source that sells P. elata? The only place I have found wants upwards of $200 for a plant....um, I love my orchids, but that's a lot of money in my world. Thank you for any leads!
We have some Peristeria alata I know it's been a few years however since this was posted :P
I just ordered one from orchidsbyeli. He is in Puerto Rico but evidently there is no problem with getting it here. It is supposed to be blooming size and I paid $24 + shipping. I'll let you all know when it does arrive. Supposedly it should be here tomorrow.
Beverly A.
Perry arrived today in good shape all the way from Puerto Rico. I am a little disappointed in the size of the pbulbs, I thought they would be a bit bigger. The plant is about 3' tall in the pot. His travelling companion was an Epi. lacerum.
I was poking around on eBay and saw at least one other vendor offering P. elata so they are available if you look.
Beverly A.
I actually located one shortly after I started this thread and purchased it. It came in a ~4 foot long box with 3 pbulbs the size of softballs. It put on 3 new bulbs (and I shared the wealth with a friend ) the first year I had it. Last year, it put on 3 more...I am hoping for blooms this year, as it is in a very large dish style pot and has a very prominent position in my gh! I will definitely post a picture, if it does.