Vanilla planifolia, do they really bloom once they reach 10 ft?
I added a Vanilla planifolia to my collection in the spring. I'm growing it under lights alongside my other orchids and am really surprised with the growth rate. In the last 4 months, it grew over 4 feets and shows no signs of slowing down even with temps a bit lower with fall starting. It has an insane amount of roots, it's very well established and is growing quicker and quicker. Leaves are also starting to get bigger. It even started a second vine from a node.
I read they can start blooming at 10 feet in length. I also read they can take 3-5 years before blooming. So, will it bloom once it reaches 10 feet or does it need to get older as well..? At my growth rate, it should be 10 feet before next summer... 30 feet+ in 3 years. Once it reaches a mature size, can I cut the growing end to keep its size manageable and propagate it and still have it bloom?
Anyone grows and blooms these guys successfully? I've seen people post about it, but don't recall seeing any in bloom on the board.