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Old 02-17-2017, 06:57 PM
PaphMadMan PaphMadMan is offline
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What am I doing wrong? Male

Lost track of this thread and didn't get back to answer.

Both the Bulbos and the Maxillariella do need abundant moisture when in active growth, but can't be left saturated for long. Frequent water in very well drained media, or mounted if humidity can be kept in the 80%+ range. The Max is a tough plant that may grow fairly well but might be short of thriving if it gets too dry, and others have commented on the Bulbo need for moisture. Find a moister balance of media retention and water frequency without staying soggy. Slightly drier if not in active growth.

But I think temperature may be part of it too. Except for the hybrid Bulbo maybe, these are fairly warm growing plants that never get a cool night season in nature. You say you leave them outside as long as temps permit, and that might have triggered the blooming in the Phals, but any temps below 60F or even somewhat warmer if they weren't used to it, might have thrown the brakes on the Bulbos and Max just as summer heat had them happily growing. Maybe not enough to make them unhealthy but just enough to throw them off flowering.
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Old 02-17-2017, 07:23 PM
u bada u bada is offline
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What am I doing wrong? Male

Some comments here:

yay for the hybrid phals for ya! Don't ya love when you think there's a problem and find out you've been doing fine all along!

Max tenuifuolia is known to be problematic... it's one of those "easy" orchids that really aren't easy. I've personally heard everything from it needs shade to it needs close to full sun; needs lots of water to needs to dry out completely; it needs to be kept to warm, to it can tolerate down to 40's. It actually has a variable range, and there are variations in growth habit, so my rough conclusion is that it depends on the clone as ES mentioned... so don't feel bad. the last happy one I had I had to leave with the ex years ago that upon visiting his place a couple year later saw it flowering in his dark bathroom... that said, medium high light, let dry out, and on warm side really worked best for that clone. if I had to suggest something for you, I'd try upping the light.

I haven't bothered on the most part with what I consider the more regularly available bulbo types like the ones you have- larger sturdier growth, and large flowers from warmer parts of asia... but some insights from other growers- they do need to develop a good colony of pbulbs to flower sometimes so if they're growing well it may be a matter of time. Also warmth and humidity help a lot but i'm experimenting with some related species on my windowsill and they've growing well in clay pots with orchiata sitting in low bowls kept filled with water at bottom. Anyway, again if they're growing well for you currently it may just be a matter of time. Those are all spring/summer bloomers from what I know (medusa can bloom year around it seems), so maybe just patience is needed.
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