What is the smallest Phal? & Others?
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Old 03-10-2017, 09:12 PM
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Your parishi looks smaller than my appendiculata. The largest leaf span is 1.5 inches.

Last year, I said it was easy. Apparently, I initially placed it in my growing area sweet spot. I moved it 2 feet and it started blasting blooms, it's not been the same. I dropped a couple of leaves recently due to letting it dry but it's recovering nicely.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 03-10-2017, 09:43 PM
jkofferdahl jkofferdahl is offline
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Originally Posted by AnonYMouse View Post
Your parishi looks smaller than my appendiculata. The largest leaf span is 1.5 inches.

Last year, I said it was easy. Apparently, I initially placed it in my growing area sweet spot. I moved it 2 feet and it started blasting blooms, it's not been the same. I dropped a couple of leaves recently due to letting it dry but it's recovering nicely.
I'd say your appendiculata is a wee bit smaller than the parishii by perhaps a quarter of an inch. My thailandicas and braceanas are actually even smaller. Meanwhile, I have another parishii which is almost as large as the EquiChi. Of my miniature Phals I've had the 3 cochlearis longest but haven't gotten them to flower. Instead, what started as a single plant on each mount is now between 3 and 5 growth points on the mount, so they seem pretty vegetative. P braceana has also spread some, but at a slower pace and while blooming.
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Old 03-11-2017, 12:30 PM
No-Pro-mwa No-Pro-mwa is offline
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What is the smallest Phal? &amp; Others? Female

Cute little plants. I love my equestris. But that's the smallest one I have.
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Old 03-20-2017, 04:32 PM
Bunch_Of_Roots Bunch_Of_Roots is offline

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What is the smallest Phal? &amp; Others? Male

A really cool, non-Phal orchid is the Oncidium coloratum. It is super small; the bulb and leaf is about the size of a US quarter. The flowers are really interesting looking as well.
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Old 03-20-2017, 06:32 PM
Salixx Salixx is offline
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What is the smallest Phal? &amp; Others? Female

I like a lot of mini plants for the same reason and started growing them pretty early into my addiction. I won't comment on Phals 'cause they aren't my thing but I think you've gotten some great feedback anyway!

If you want to stick with Phal look-a-likes (kinda), Haraella are pretty nice. I have a retrocalla and its leaves are about 1'' long. It is, as a bonus, almost always in spike, bud or bloom. Some have a strong scent, mine, unfortunately, does not. I have it growing in an intermediate terrarium alongside Masdies, but I think it prefers warmer conditions. Mine seems okay with this though. There's also many Aerangis that would fall in that category. Outside of that, there's a lot of variety and you can get really tiny. I have a Dryadella cistata that is just adorable, even though it isn't in bloom. I also have a Schoenorchis fragrans that is quite tiny. It's roots are bigger than its leaves!

Many Neos are itty bitty too. The one I have has fans that are little bigger than your average cotton ball.

Truth be told, there are too many to name. What I did early on is go to Andy's website (andysorchids.com) and use the power search feature to narrow down to minis that I thought could grow in my conditions.
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