Okay here are some updated pictures. Flask one I have about 4 left. One is shooting new growth. Flask 2 doa nothing left. All rotted. 3 still chugging even post frying. Flask 4 is what I have most pictures of some are in their own pots and have shot off new leaf growth.
Yeah I am super excited. All of the catasetum leaves almost all completely died off. But some of the better bulbs have started growing new babies. So fingers crossed they will continue to do well. They had to come inside due to the cold and my little greenhouse aint that insulated.
Decided this past weekend to go through all of my catasetum babies and put them that were big enough in their own pots. I am down to about 12-15 out of the original 50. But that is okay the ones that I still have are growing well and doing well.
I have found that yes they do start to grow new growths off of the sides of the original growths. So we are definitely seeing some improvements to them. With semi decent root growth.