Hey everyone!
I just ordered a new Cattleya from Hausermann's in Chicago, Illinois. It arrived about three weeks ago and had a new shoot just coming up; it was about two inches tall at the time of arrival. I set it under my T5 florescent lights and just watered and fertilized it like the other orc's there. I went to sit with my mother who is ill, and returned last night after being gone for four days. I was watering today and found the new shoot had sent up blooms already! I have included pics, as I have never seen a Cat. bloom on this small of a shoot. This is a clone of the wonderful old performer C. Marjorie Hausermann "York" AM/RHS HCC/AOS.

When it blooms I will post the pics - I know that the blooms will not be the larger size that a mature shoot would produce, but I am thrilled anyway!