Welcome to the Orchid Board!!
What you read is correct; in some cases, if a mother plant is dying it will throw either a kieki or one last bloom / spike. I think this is just an evolutionary thing myself - a dying attempt to continue the species. But this cannot be counted on.
Sometimes a plant throws a kieki because it is so happy and healthy it can; and sometimes a plant has a genetic predisposition for forming kiekis no matter what.
If you use kieki paste, you can induce formation more reliably. A healthy mother plant will carry a kieki with little stress; I have seen a plant naturally form and carry two kiekis, and three is not unheard of, but more than one is an overload unless you have a VERY vigorous and healthy plant.
But, if you should want to develop kiekis and you want to get the "biggest bang for your buck" without ANY stress to the mother plant the above method sounds just perfect. Kiekis form quicker and mature in a couple of years in contrast to seedlings which DO take several years to mature.
Since most stems are just thrown out, this is sort of a "Can't Lose" situation.
I hope this helps clear up some of your questions about kiekis.
Have a great New Year!!