By the way - do you have a source of chlorophyll for your cat? If not, try planting some wheat or oat seeds, or by 'cat seed' at the supermarket. Our cat, Max, liked to chew on various plants I had (I don't have plants that are poison to animals thankfully), including my Maxillaria tenifolium which I had moved to an end table

; when I started supplying him with his own pot of greens down by his food bowl, he left my plants alone and tends his own garden. I take it up and give it light and water every third day, and he prunes it down so that it keeps growing! I also keep an extra pot planted and ready to water so that he does not have a reason to go back to the orchids. You might also lay down a little salad mix, something like those bagged Spring mixes and see if there is a green he would like to pick out and eat (take some out and let it "breath" as Max did not like the gas they pack it in.) If so, you have yet another option for "Kitty salad".
Max is somewhat possessive of his now, not appreciating when I take over the care....I guess all gardeners are alike!
Hope this helps!