Hello everyone!
I recieved my first orchids from any online catalog from Al's Orchid Greenhouse! I finally got a tall rack to hang them on!!!!!! Here they are!

The orchid collection, renovated for the new residents.

Gongora tricolor (this one I already had before the order)

Stanhopea tricornis (had a flower spike but dried during shipping

) This was a good orchid for $25! I didn't expect it to be this big!

Coryanthes vasquezii. A pure white coryanthes. I hope I can keep it alive.

Coryhopea Red Martian. Really unique flowers and has very healthy bulbs with three new growths.

Last but not least, Stanhopea wardii. This often rejected species has large, yellow horned flowers and a citrus fragrance.
I now have a humidifier next to the fan. Any comments, questions, care tips etc. will be gladly accepted.