Originally Posted by Intruder
The ratio 3-1-2 (N-P2O5-K2O) is currently describe as the ideal ratio for foliage development. Is it able to make flower an orchid if I use a such ratio all the year ?
On the fertilyser market, for what I know only the 9-3-6 of Dyna-Grow exists (if there still exists).
In my many years of growing, I have seen "the ideal fertilizer" change as often as Imelda Marcos changed shoes.

Every manufacturer will make that claim, true of false. The bottom line is that what is "ideal" for one grower with one genera in one environment may not be the answer for another grower with other genera in a different environment. Research also has tended to change what we now know about how to stimulate an orchid to best production.
You have obviously done some research and if you feel this ratio is best for you, I suspect you may have to find a source "off shore" to purchase it. There are several members of this forum who are very knowledgeable on where to find orchid products and will ship to your country. Ray, of First Ray Orchids, I would put on the top of my list.
Good luck,