Polyrhizia lindenii (ghost orchid)
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:13 PM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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I've got a hubba mist, its pretty nice, i never really used it, it was for a terrarium, but its so bulky next to the small tank, i didn't use it, plus, i didn't really need it in the first place, im a big impulse buyer when it comes to getting setups for plants and stuff.* I have stopped doing that so much, and now research constantly, make the whole idea in my head, and write down what is completely necessary, then what else i might need.* But i can take a picture, and a link to what it is if you want to check it out.Im planning on cleaning an old 10 gal aquarium and filling a little with water, putting in an air pump, and letting that run constantly, i might put some type of organic liquid fertz in it, for a little nutrients, but i dont know about that, need to read more. and letting that sit under lights in my room.* also might get a little fan for some air movement, if i decide to have a full glass top.* i might just leave it open, or proped open, and let the little draft of my room barely make it in there.Question about oak hills ghost orchid,* Did it come in a tangled mess, or is it so small that it hasn't had a chance to tangle yet? because im going to have to try and untangle it really slowly, and havn't figured out how i might be able to do that, but if stainless steel mesh is a common mount, i might try and get some of that in wire, and reform the roots slowly.

Heres the link to what i have, its that exact model for reference, the only problem with mine is the suction cups arn't to great, the can dissconect after trying to pull off a wall, only if its stuck real nice. They hold a little to nice, and pop out of whats connecting them to the mist machine, but they can be squeezed back in. Also it has about a 24 inch hose with another nozzle at that end, so you can either do the nozzle on the machine, or close that one, and use the one in the hose, or both.
Habba Mist automatic misting machine

Last edited by Gold3nku5h; 09-14-2008 at 12:18 PM..
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:04 PM
martinvermillion martinvermillion is offline
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Thanks, think the way to go for me is a fogger so as not to drown things just allow enough humidity so the plants can pull moisture from the air. I feel it is important not to soak or submerge these plants! I also disagree with putting spag. under them it simply promotes mold. Spanish moss is a different thing providing protection and holding moisture.These are simply opinions not based on anything but my own thoughts.
The Oak Hill plants I have (2 of them) one is actually three diffirent plants with some pieces that are so small not sure what to call them. They could easily be separated just not sure into what? Three plants the size of 16 penny nail heads! The other one would be impossible to separate its more like a protocorn. It's a solid ball not little plants growing together a solid mass. I think I am right in using the word Protocorn as comparison? I have learned to take more time in selecting these plants it is very easy to purchase very small plants that are all but impossible for anyone but professionals with this species to grow! There are some nice plants out there but they don't come cheap. I feel it is very much worth the extra $ for a plant that is "established" with new growth. These are just opinions and you're experiences may be completly diffirent that is why this board is a great resource!- Martin
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Old 09-15-2008, 02:27 AM
Undergrounder Undergrounder is offline
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update on the spanish moss burritos, the ghosts that were buried more under the moss (not intentionally) started to show signs of mould in parts, so i took them out and put most either just on top, or on straight wire.. i think with the high humidity you don't need to water too much either, probably good to leave them dry for a while between waterings.
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Old 09-15-2008, 10:43 AM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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yeah, i would imagine with 100% humidity, that you possibly might not ever have to water, depending on temp, because the humidity is relative to the temperature, and the hotter it is, the more water it can hold, colder it is, less water. around the high 90's it can hold like 56 oz of water in a square foot, or maybe its a higher temp, but theres a temp that between 2 degrees the amount of water it can hold doubles, so if the temp drops that 1 degree, you will have ALOT of condensation.
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Old 09-15-2008, 09:59 PM
martinvermillion martinvermillion is offline
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O.K., do you know the exact temp. required to make this occur?Interresting factoid! Thanks
Swamper, mine have improved with more light,no heavy watering and slightly more air movement. At present humidity is about 60-75%! Not the sauna I first created. Have seen steady improvement. The two oak hillers are now horizontal in small plastic container w/holes drilled for air flow.The larger plant is now kept in glass part of the time just to keep humidity at night and some days depending on lots of variables. I am gradually giving more direct sun. Hope to give almost full sun soon! Only on larger plants.Some natural light on the small ones too. Keep us posted on you're progress and give me you're take on my idea's. Will post new pics. soon.-Martin
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Old 09-15-2008, 11:41 PM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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i've looked before, and couldn't figure out where i read it, there are charts if you search on google, but none are real specific as to exact degree, to the ones, only to the tens, and between 80-90 it doubles, and i would imagine after that could still double or triple, i think it may be exponential, till you get to a point that it is back to a liquid state? but then that just doesn't seem like that would fit in nature, maybe it is where it begins a new state of energy? idk, its trippy thinking about that, it would be cool to figure it out, or find someone that does.

On a side note, does anyone actually know, or remember what O.K. stands for? or does it?

Last edited by Gold3nku5h; 09-15-2008 at 11:43 PM..
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Old 09-16-2008, 08:16 AM
martinvermillion martinvermillion is offline
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Undergrounder,have you used anything on the plants to kill the mould? Wondering if there is a product that will work and not harm the plant?
Gold3, forgot to say thanks on the product info. those are good prices on misters and the foggers.The temps. are between those you talked about.I should be O.K. or (oakey dokey)Or something along those lines.Not sure about the air into water too far for my application for sure.
Time to go to work y'all have a good day and HAPPY GROWING!!!!!
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:43 AM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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i should be getting mine in today or tomorrow, and i've just about got my setup completed, my dad is making a nice holder for an air pump, and a regulator that controls the flow to 4 different lines that will be mounted on the wall. I love having a carpenter father. Im getting another 10 gal vert tank, and will silicone a small piece of glass to hold some water in the bottom. i might try to germinate fern and moss spores near the bottom on a land type part. I hope to get pictures because i'd really like to show you guys what im working with, but it will take some time till i can get one.
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Old 09-16-2008, 12:59 PM
martinvermillion martinvermillion is offline
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I think you will do well especially with help like that from you're Dad.Don't worry about pictures you have a good vocabulary and that works just fine.Keep me posted on the progress you as you move along.-Martin
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Old 10-05-2008, 07:12 PM
Gold3nku5h Gold3nku5h is offline
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well, right after i got it, or later that night, i took it off its mount, and put them all in their new home, i dont know how many there was, but it was a clump about the size of a quarter if spun. Anyways, that wasn't a good idea, from the stress they probably recieved from shipment, and my harsh fingers eagerly untangling them i lost most. I have 1 left that looks really healthy and is growing pretty steadily. Its in its new home with another orchid and some plants awaiting my paludarium construction. I think im going to buy another one today or tomorrow, and let those grow out till i have gotten the courage to untangle them, and seperate into single plants.
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