Cattleya with a blooming problem
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Old 06-21-2012, 02:23 PM
The3birds The3birds is offline

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Cattleya with a blooming problem
Default Cattleya with a blooming problem

I thought I would pass this on and see if any one might know what I am doing wrong. I have had this orchid for 2 years and it looks like it is sending up a bloom but then the sheath turns brown. This is the second year this has happened, and I don't have this problem with the other Cattleyas I have. What's up?

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Old 06-21-2012, 08:28 PM
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Cattleya with a blooming problem Male

Yes catts and their cousins do this. Something changed in their environment and it aborted the flowers. It happens often enough it isn't anything to be concerned about but it is nice to have them bloom. I find that with my catts f I don't change up the ratios of N-P-K when it is time, I get this more often. Also too much water or not enough at critical times can lead to them aborting their flowers. It's different than bud blast but yet something kin to it. Your pottong media looks a little old. Also if you are giving it what it needs you should have multiple leads on this orchid. I'd repot this. Also when you repot it, cut halfway through the rizome between the third and forth pbulb to stimulate new dormant bud growth in those older bbulbs. I also pull off the old growth sheaths down to the rizome. That ay you don't have the possibility of brown rot at the base of the bulbs that can rot the new dormant buds. When the new growths get nearlty full size Isitch to a fertilizer higher in potassium an phosphorus and lower in nitrogen. Rak can teach you more on this. Since I've been doing this my catts and laelias, and most everything else flowers well. Here are a few pics ofnew growth that I've started on the higher P and K.

Last edited by james mickelso; 04-05-2014 at 11:40 PM..
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Old 06-22-2012, 12:04 PM
The3birds The3birds is offline

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Cattleya with a blooming problem

I did just move and it is sitting on the ground because my husband has not had time to put up the post I hang them on, and the amount of sun they get has changed. It just seems odd this is the only one that has done it. Do Cattleyas need medium in baskets. I only put it in there at first to help hold them in and keep them from drying out to fast.
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Old 06-23-2012, 12:15 AM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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I have a Catt (intergeneric hybrid) that does this a lot! I've had it a number of years and it's only bloomed twice! Very frustrating - even when conditions have not changed it does this Might be genetically a reluctant bloomer ?

If you can keep the plant happy water-wise without media, you certainly can grow them that way - they pretty much grow without media in nature (tho I suppose they may sometimes have some debris around the roots)
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Old 06-24-2012, 02:04 PM
Orchid126 Orchid126 is offline
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Cattleya with a blooming problem

Whatever you do, don't cut off that dried sheath. Just because the sheath dried doesn't mean it won't bloom a few months down the line. Cattleyas can bloom from old, dried sheaths, new sheaths, or no sheaths at all. And often all on the same plant.
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Old 06-25-2012, 09:47 AM
The3birds The3birds is offline

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Cattleya with a blooming problem

Thanks for your help/advice. Have you ever gotten to the point of trashing a nonbloomer? I can't say the foliage is attractive, how long do you wait, especially when the blooms are what they were bought for.
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Old 06-25-2012, 08:10 PM
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Cattleya with a blooming problem Male

No All orchids will bloom given the correct conditions and time. I see three bbulbs with no sheaths at all. Then one with either a dried sheath or flower stalk. Then the last with a dried sheath. When growers haveorchids being grown for sale, they give them absolutely perfect conditions. We seldom have perfect conditions. From the looks of the media and the roots here, this is in need of repotting. If the plant is struggling, it has a difficult time producing a flower. It hasn't the energy and just uses what energy it does have on more pbulbs instead.Also it needs the right nutrients at the right time. When you repot, carefully take off the old dried up growth sheaths. The new growths and roots won't have to struggle to break out of the sheaths and there won't be a hiding place for bad nasties like bacteria and fungus'. Put this in a good potting mix and feed it properly and I'll bet that come next season it will reward you with a bloom. Betcha!!!
PS, Partially cut through the rizome between the forth and fifth bbulb and watch new growth erupt from the bbulb. You can even cut between the 3rd and 4th bbulb. Makes the plant think the front half has been eaten and throws it's energy into making copies of itself. Just use a razor blade (new sterile) and cut down half to two thirds of the way through. Then cauterize with cinnamon powder.
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Old 07-26-2012, 05:29 PM
BettyE BettyE is offline
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James, I have a brassolaelia Sea Urchin "Pinkie" that will not bloom. It does get sheaths, then they just dry up. Since it is an orchid that should bloom in November, I am going to re-pot it and start giving it 10-30-20. Might give it a bit more light, also...I really appreciate your advice & encouragement in this thread.....BettyE.
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Old 07-26-2012, 07:57 PM
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Cattleya with a blooming problem Male

You are very welcome. When I have a stubborn orchid that's what I do and it usually works.
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Old 07-26-2012, 09:45 PM
sthh sthh is offline
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Cattleya with a blooming problem Male

When my catt are budding with flower buds, i do not try to show it any extra care, like adding more fertilizer, a bit more water, etc. Usually such extra attention does not work for my catts, they sometimes abort their flowers.
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