I have a problem I can't seem to figure how to fix. I have this noID phal, for 2 years and it's the most complicated plant to grow in my collection. When I bought it, in bloom, didn't really know what I got. Now I can tell you, it is mottled leaf species mix with scented peloric flowers and such combination is nothing I have seen ever since. The problem with it is, it is not growing leaves. When I bought it, it had 8 leaves and 3 stems. Right now it's down to 5 leaves. I lost 3 of them as soon as I got it home.
2 years later, he still has those 5 leaves.
He flowers on a very predictable schedule. The flowers last for 3 months, then has a month of a break, then pushes either new stem, or side stems on an old one and flowers again.
I thought I was finally making a move into the right direction when I saw a small leaf at the base of a plant, but as soon as I spotted it, it stopped growing and remained the size of a small coin. You can see it on a pic below. As soon as I spotted that abomination of a leaf, it started to push another flower stem right next to another one growing from the top. And that new stem is growing rapidly.
So my question is, how can I stop this plant from flowering all the time and how can I motivate mottled leaves production?
I grow various orchids together: oncidiums, dendrobiums, paphiopedilums, miltonia and 2 phals and I am not new into growing them and making plants flower but this is beyond my level of expertise. Every single plant flowers for me. As scheduled. As predicted. Nothing unusual happens. Even this one flowers (too much IMO). They all look healthy and normal. I even grow nepenthes next to them. Humidity is always in 55-70% range. I don't fertilize thought. I did it once, 2 years ago and a leaf on my oncidium started drooping so I stopped. I only have 4-4-7 fert available. I don't think it's the result of no fertilization.
The only thing I did more often when I saw a leaf is
misting. And then the flower stem appeared. Seriously this is the most bizarre and weirdo plant existing ever. Nothing compares to it! And not to mention that the stem is growing away from the window and from the lights in my room towards the wall. Go figure. Maybe it gets too much light??? If anybody can figure this brain twister and help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.
The thing when bought
The thing today er..week ago
Peloric flowers

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