FINALLY have found two
GREAT lists showing a good chunk of (can't be quite sure, as I don't know how many genera are out there!) orchid genera and intergeneric names and their abbreviations!!! They are both PDF's, but they are too good to pass by. The first one,
http://www.orchidsaustralia.com/download_genustab.pdf is the more comprehensive one, as not only does it list all (not sure once again) genera with a list of all intergenerics that they are a part in, with an abbreviation for the natural genus, but it also lists every (?) intergeneric with their abbreviations and genus components! The second one is a little less comprehensive, as it just lists the the name, whether genus or intergeneric, and its abbreviation.
http://www.firstrays.com/PDF/Orchid%...0by%20Name.pdf I have been looking so hard for such great things as these, and I am SO glad to have found them! You people should most definitely bookmark these two PDF's, as I for sure use them a lot!