Well this past weekend was a really good one. I got three new orchids. All from different places. One from Lowes (Home Improvement), one from a local greenhouse, and finally one from Hawaii. I bought a Slc. hazel boyd 'Apricot Glow' (Hawaii), Dendrobium jenkinsii (local greenhouse), and (Lc. edgar van belle x C. intermedia) x Blc. magic meadow 'Green Genius' (Lowes). Anyways, lets get to the point of this post. I thought it would be cool to show everybody before and after pictures of repotting. I love repotting orchids that really need it because they look so much better afterwards. The Slc. hazel boyd was in need of repotting the most. The plant was potbound. I thought I was going to have to cut the pot off of the plant because it was stuck in there. I finally got the pot off, but then the hard part arose. Getting the old media out. I know it took me a good 15 minutes to get all of the old media pried away from the roots. It was in a 4" pot and I thought that it was going to go into a 5", but it was too small. I wound up putting the plant in a 7" pot. The Dendrobium jenkinsii was just sitting on a bench yesterday with no pot or mount. It was also the only one that the seller had. I know that if I hadn't bought it, she would have put a red tag on it. I sat it on a clay pot overnight so that the active roots didn't dry up and This morning I mounted it up. I put just a little moss under the plant so that the roots get some moisture. Lastly, the plant I got at Lowes (name is way to long) was sitting outside in the full sun in a hot plastic bag with about 5 others. I felt so sorry for it so I bought it. It was only $1.75. I would have bought the other small plant because it was pulled out of its pot, but the leaves were turning black just like all of the others. I don't see how this plant managed to survive, but it did. It also has a new growth. I had some moss left over from mounting and some bark left over from the hazel boyd, so I combined them and put this plant in it. Here are some pictures of the plants before and after repotting.

Den. jenkinsii before

Den. jenkinsii after mounting

Bulbo. careyanum (mounted that today as well)

Slc. hazel boyd before

hazel boyd coming over the side of the pot

hazel boyd'd roots

Slc. hazel boyd after repotting

(Lc. edgar van belle x C. intermedia) x Blc. magic meadow 'Green Genius' (new growth)

(Lc. edgar van belle x C. intermedia) x Blc. magic meadow 'Green Genius'