So i deflasked my flask of ghosts today, i'll keep this thread updated as things go on and hopefully together we can make these things happy!
I managed to untangle the fierce knot of ghosts into roughly 50 plants with two or more roots growing from a central point, and about 30 tiny plants, protocorms or single legs.

(above: The larger plants, the smaller ones were replated)
The smallest plants and protocorms i replated back onto media... wasn't 100% with the sterile process on this, so expecting the flasks could become contaminated, but hoping not. Will watch out for contams...
The largest 50 or so plants i split into four groups of 12-13, and put them in these spanish moss burritos. The moss is stuffed flat along the back of the plastic mesh burrito and the ghosts are laid on top.
The idea for the moss is that it has minimum contact points with the orchids to minimise built-up moisture, while also providing plenty of boyant humidity. The living moss i'm hoping will also have anti-mould properties. And finally the plastic mesh and moss can be cut away eventually to mount the plants onto wood when they're bigger and closer to flowering.
The burritos i put in a tray, gave a mist and hung from the side of the aquarium i use as an orchid humidicrib. The humidity stays around 100%, is warmed slightly by the fluoro light, and gets good air movement from the small fan at the back.
It's a weird setup, but i think it will work as long as i keep up the humidity, air movement, high light, and occasional


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