I was wondering what causes den. Crumenatum to bloom I've heard drops in temp,flooding it with water and barometric pressure I was wondering which one causes it to bloom thanks!!!!
Botanica's Orchids says "it produces large numbers of flowers several times a year in response to a sudden drop in temperature, usually when a tropical rainstorm occurs"
So it would seem the water and barometric pressure are likely casually related to the drop in temp needed.
Altho - IOSPE says blooming is after a temperature drop AND rain ... IOSPE PHOTOS
i have one out in a basket. it does indeed bloom from a drop of about 10-15 degrees in temperature. pretty much 9 days from the temp drop, they open. the flowers only last a day unfortunately. they smell like ivory soap but are pungeant.
i think bulbo vaginatum also response to this kind of stimulus. but unfortunately, i've killed mine and have yet to get any replacement.
btw, my den crumenatum doesn't smell nice like my older specimen which smell very sweet. the new one, well, uhm, smell more like cockroach! i wonder what went wrong! i am so getting a new one coz my parents have split the old specimen plant and gave to their friends and keep a minute division only!