Hi Tucker
I'm not sure which kinda water you're using whether it be RO, distilled or just plain tap, but many of my catts did not like the change with distilled and MSU. Mottled leave coloring with fewer flowers for almost a year.
The went back to the their normal growth and blooming pattern once I went back to regular med-hard tap water avec the msu ferts.
I'm not sure of the cause in you're case with the yellowing buds. But I feel that catts really dislike the lower calcium levels.
I would knock off with the seaweed feeds as bloom time approches, it maybe confused about what it should do - do I bloom or grow roots?
You seem to be using Orthene fungicides & on a very regular basis, are you spraying out of prevention?
Could this be adding to the cause of the stress factor you are now seeing? Just something to think about
Photos would be great are you able to provide any pictures?