Originally Posted by cb977
It's odd...for some reason, the AV mix and the tree fern pole seem to be the key for me. I've given lots of cuttings to friends and the ones who have had success use the same and are enjoying watching their plant grow...the ones who chose to do it their own way (which is fine since there is NO one single way to do this "right" ) don't seem to have as much success.
Two years ago I took your advice and used AV mix for my cutting. The plant has grown well and has never been repotted.
Thanks for the great advice, Susanne.
As an update to my original post...the growth in question was one of three branching stems and one of them has grown 3' longer. Another has grown about 2'. The last one is less robust and has only grown about 5". There's a 13" root growing from last seasons growth.