Originally Posted by annie1931
I have three orchids, two of which are ordinary and always the bloom stem withers immediately after the last bloom falls off. My big one (that had 42 blooms up to a month or so ago) also usually withers its spike to a hollow stem. BUT this time it grew enormously, sent five or six spikes off the main stem, and now sits there looking green and lovely though bloomless...has been for about 4 weeks. My granddaughter's did the same, she got sick of looking at it and snipped it off - it sealed almost immediately and is now just an ordinary dead stem. I am planning to cut mine down,(when I can find a sharp enough strong blade) but would like to hear if others have had such an occurrence, and what they did.
please do not snip it off as they are just dormant. They will continue to flower from there when the climate becomes desirable again