The most common factors in lack of-, or fewer/smaller blossoms are 1) insufficient light, 2) insufficient nutrition, and 3) excessive nitrogen.
Light is likely not a factor in your phalaenopsis culture, and Orchid126 addressed the high-nitrogen potential issue, but it could also be that you're simply not feeding them enough.
"Weakly weekly" doesn't tell us anything of use in analyzing that, so I'll throw out the recommendations of 1 teaspoon per gallon of the Better Gro stuff, applied 3 out of 4 waterings, with plain water that 4th one, and after they have finished blooming use the Miracle-Go at 1/3 tsp/gal.
Personally, I'd avoid the 30-10-10 altogether, but if you are diligent about seasonal changes, it should be OK.