1st time orchid society Pres. and I want to rejuvenate my society. Recommendations?
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1st time orchid society Pres. and I want to rejuvenate my society. Recommendations?
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:08 PM
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Old 01-11-2010, 02:04 PM
vmax3000 vmax3000 is offline
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Congratulations! If I were closer, I would come to the meetings
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Old 01-11-2010, 03:00 PM
chris_todd chris_todd is offline

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1st time orchid society Pres. and I want to rejuvenate my society. Recommendations? Male

As someone who is fairly new to orchids, but who is a member of many hobbyist clubs (amateur astronomy, tropical fish keeping, aquatic plants, home tissue culture, etc.), I can say you've already received great advice, particularly about being friendly and welcome to new members/guests that show up at the meetings.

I think you've also realized that recruiting new members is crucial to keeping any hobbyist club vibrant. Places like OrchidBoard are great for letting people know you exist. I saw your club's website link in your profile, and visited, but it looks like it hasn't been updated in a long time - make sure your website is up to date. It gives people the impression you are a vibrant and lively club.

Make up flyers and distribute them in local nurseries that grow or sell orchids. Or even in your local big-box hardware stores, who seem increasingly to sell inexpensive Phal hybrids. "Want to learn how to keep your orchid in good health? Join the Northeast Alabama Orchid Society!" That kind of thing. Sure, you'll get a lot of folks that will come once and never be seen again, but you'll also get a few folks hooked and coming back for more (hehe, why does that sound like we're drug dealers? ).

An example: I would not have known there was a relatively local Orchid Club unless I had seen on the FirstRays website that he was giving a talk in Wheaton, MD this last weekend, at the Brookside Gardens Orchid Club meeting. After a little investigative work (they do not have a website, only a Yahoo group), I attended the meeting with my wife. We were warmly greeted as we walked in the door (though perhaps it helped that we had a box full of Paphs we had bought an hour earlier at Woodstream Orchid's open house , and we were off and running. We had a great time, and while BGOC is obviously a small club (there were about 10 people there), we went ahead and joined and will attend future meetings.

Oh, and I like the show and tell idea, too - when you're new (and perhaps even after you've been doing this for years?), there is such a bewildering variety and diversity of orchid species and genera that I bet you could do 5 plants a meeting, and go a year before someone brings a plant you already have. It would be a great learning opportunity.

Anyway, good luck, and try hard to keep your enthusiasm and passion at the forefront - the effect will wear off on everyone!
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Old 01-11-2010, 03:33 PM
Becca Becca is offline
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Well this is my second year as a member of my local orchid society. While I enjoy the presentations given by our members, I would really like to see more professional speakers/growers give presentations. But I do realize that an orchid society has to stay within their budget, so it may often not be do-able. Other then that, I agree with being friendly! I have always been greeted and made to be felt like I belonged and they wanted me their. It's a nice feeling! And I've made a few friends and I look forward to going to the monthly meetings and catching up with them!

And I just had another idea....I always love seeing other peoples grow areas. What if a few members a month take pictures of their own grow areas and show them at a meeting and just give a brief description of their growing area....and works for them. I think it's a neat idea for monthly meetings...but I'm just also thinking out loud..lol.
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Old 01-11-2010, 04:01 PM
chris_todd chris_todd is offline

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1st time orchid society Pres. and I want to rejuvenate my society. Recommendations? Male

Originally Posted by Becca View Post
And I just had another idea....I always love seeing other peoples grow areas. What if a few members a month take pictures of their own grow areas and show them at a meeting and just give a brief description of their growing area....and works for them. I think it's a neat idea for monthly meetings...but I'm just also thinking out loud..lol.
One of my other hobbyist clubs, the Greater Washington Aquatic Plants Association (Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association) holds its meetings in member's houses. That way, we get to see member's tanks in person, and I suspect something similar would work well for orchid clubs whose meetings regaularly draw 40 people or less. Sure, there are practical challenges to this approach, but for those of us that like to show off our growing environments (whether they be fish tanks or greenhouses), it's a lot of fun! And it becomes a very cordial social atmosphere.
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Old 01-12-2010, 10:46 AM
zygostates zygostates is offline
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1st time orchid society Pres. and I want to rejuvenate my society. Recommendations? Male
Default Thanks about the ideas

Chris, Becca, thanks for your thoughts. Becca...I forgot to include that we are going to have at least one meeting at a members house this year. It used to happen more frequently in the past when we had commercial growers. And Chris...your are so right about the web site. It actually just started out as a blog site to announce shows and special speakers. I need to use it as an attraction for our group.
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:03 AM
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Don't forget about the two special forums right here on OB that would be a great asset for any orchid club!

We have a forum specifically for orchid clubs:
Orchid Clubs & Societies - Orchid Board - Most Complete Orchid Forum on the web !

Another option, which unfortunately not many clubs have taken advantage of...don't know why :

Two wonderful ways for club members to discuss club matters, ask questions or just keep in touch in between monthly meetings.

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Old 01-13-2010, 11:05 AM
Orchidjim Orchidjim is offline

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... I want to know how and why so I can try to make mine exciting and better again for everyone
Thank you and I look forward to your suggestions
Effectual LEADERS in a group can be a daunting task. You can't please everyone. Do your best, require that also. Have fun and get business done.

I have spoken at dozens of orchid society meetings and watched irrelevency and petty arguments lead to very hard feelings.

Last edited by cb977; 01-13-2010 at 11:35 AM..
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Old 01-13-2010, 11:35 AM
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Very true...and unfortunate
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Old 01-13-2010, 12:36 PM
b amateur b amateur is offline
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Congrat's on your new position and good luck.It's quite a task you've taken on.I couldn't agree more with Paul.I am very fortunate to belong to the same OS that he started out with.The friendliness of the folks,the non-critical responses at the show-and-tell segment every month,the help the old-timers offer to the newbies[offer,not force-feed],just the whole possitive experience,has me looking foward to the next meeting.Have fun with it.Possitive attitude is as,if not more,contagious as negative.Brad
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