I have killed 3 of these, and the 4th looks like it's ready to croak as well. What's the secret of growing these? All 4 have been planted on various media.. the current one is on cork oak. It HAD 10 bulbs and leaves on it, now down to 4 very shrivelled ones... is there anythiing I can do to revive it?
At this time of year where I live, these plants are going into their dormant state for the winter. So I'll now stop watering (except for a rare misting) and no fertilizer until about February. Perhaps you could try that -- keep it in a bright spot and you could also let it go cooler for a few months. See if it revives in the spring??
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Except for the past couple of days, we are still having 70-80 degree weather, so I'll combine your suggestion with "Nutgirl's" and see what happens... Thanks!
I've had mine for 3 years, it's mounted on a cedar board. It gets as much light as I can give it all year. It gets hot temps in the summer (90's) and 60's in winter.
Since it is mounted, I try to dunk it every day during the growing season and sometimes let it soak for awhile. It seems to like a good regular watering.
It gets the usual weakly weekly fertilizer regime. I quit regular water the end of October but I do give it a dunk if the bulbs get too shriveled. When I see flower spikes I start gradually increasing the water.
This sounds like a good idea - I will try the dunking for a month and see if the bulbs plump out a bit... then try to withhold water/fert. for a couple of months (Dec/Jan)... thanks