I mentioned in my introductory post... my vanilla plant is not doing well! I have had it about 5 years, and it was pretty big, 20-30 feet. It was 3 years when I bought it, and it lived in the tree outside during summer, and it kept getting longer and longer, and then in winter it lived in my house (although probably cooler than it should've been), but it still did pretty well. Last summer, the pot fell, and ripped the plant/roots apart. I repotted, and 6 months later, it's finally looking like it's not going to make it. I cut some bad parts from the stem, but right at the base it's soft and yellow... which I assume means too much water? Which I can't figure, because I don't water it that often in winter, just mist it a bit. I guess my question is, do you think it's a lost cause? Should I start a hunt for a new one? If the stem is bad by the base, I can only guess it's a matter of time before the whole thing starts to go.... I'm sad!!!
A almost thought that when I repotted (I mixed traditional orchid mix with some potting soil thinking it'd help the roots) that putting soil in was a bad thing causing the roots to suffocate. But, someone mentioned African Violet soil, so I don't think that would've been the problem!!
Thanks everyone in advance!