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Old 08-05-2009, 01:26 PM
shahrezsyed shahrezsyed is offline
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repotting??!?!?!?!? Male
Exclamation repotting??!?!?!?!?

i bought a white phalaenopsis here and it was so root bound that the pot was about to burst.
last time i bought one it was just the same so i tred to repot it and it was so root bound even from the bottom of the root ball and inside the root ball(after soaking the roots to make them more pliable)that just as i tried to loosen the rootball even slighty the roots would start to break and they just all broke up so it died then i have bought another one and seek advice on how to repot it because it REALLY needs to be repotted other wise the root system is really healthy but half of its leaves are drooping!!! i was thinking due to extremely hot temperatures in pakistan can i grow my orchids indoors under gro-lights by putting them on humidity trays?and can i cut scorched leaves and will the drooped leaves become stiff again after introducing to cooler temperatures and watering it lesser(it was being overwatered before!!)and no no orchids of better quality can be purchased in pakistan...
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Old 08-05-2009, 01:42 PM
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My recommendation is to use the blunt end of a toothpick or small stick to get into the difficult parts in between the roots and gently pry things loose. Also try a pair of small tweezers to get at small pieces of bark or moss in between the roots. Use your fingers only in larger, more free areas of the root mass.

You can also continuously re-wet the roots to make them softer (there is a limit to how pliable they get though). It helps to have a spray bottle by your side as well.

It gets tedious. When you need to, just take a break and return to the job.

The leaves will become turgid again once they are placed in a cooler environment.

If they were over watered withhold watering for at least a week. It's difficult, but just occupy yourself with chores or other more important tasks.

I suggest not cutting any part of the leaves yet unless the cells are dead and useless. Cutting leaves with even semi-living cells on Phals doesn't seem to make much of a difference (they end up falling off anyways).

Many people grow Phals indoors under lights on humidity trays.

Remember that if you are only left with good solid roots, they can still live.
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Old 08-05-2009, 01:55 PM
shahrezsyed shahrezsyed is offline
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repotting??!?!?!?!? Male

Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:) View Post

My recommendation is to use the blunt end of a toothpick or small stick to get into the difficult parts in between the roots and gently pry things loose. Also try a pair of small tweezers to get at small pieces of bark or moss in between the roots. Use your fingers only in larger, more free areas of the root mass.

You can also continuously re-wet the roots to make them softer (there is a limit to how pliable they get though). It helps to have a spray bottle by your side as well.

It gets tedious. When you need to, just take a break and return to the job.

The leaves will become turgid again once they are placed in a cooler environment.

If they were over watered withhold watering for at least a week. It's difficult, but just occupy yourself with chores or other more important tasks.

I suggest not cutting any part of the leaves yet unless the cells are dead and useless. Cutting leaves with even semi-living cells on Phals doesn't seem to make much of a difference (they end up falling off anyways).

Many people grow Phals indoors under lights on humidity trays.

Remember that if you are only left with good solid roots, they can still live.
yes and according to this

if i even break all the roots, and two or three tiny roots remain, two or more leaves will shrivel and it will have more roots in no time is that true?? hail the king of orchid growing
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by shahrezsyed View Post
yes and according to this

if i even break all the roots, and two or three tiny roots remain, two or more leaves will shrivel and it will have more roots in no time is that true?? hail the king of orchid growing

What the article says is pretty much true. But each individual plant will respond differently.

Orchids do most of their gas exchange through their roots. So it's important they get enough air in there.

Phalaenopsis roots can also photosynthesize btw.
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