I tend to doubt that it's spider mites. I wouldn't think that it would leave noticeable marks in the short amount of time that you had it. But I've never experienced them on my orchids (knock on wood!) so I've really not sure. If you had a bad case of spider mites you would also see some webbing. At least that's what happened when I had them on a houseplant a long time ago.
yea- when I look it up online, the pictures show discoloration on the leaves, as well as the webbing, as you said. I don't have any of those symptomes... hmmmm
Originally Posted by caseydoll
I tend to doubt that it's spider mites. I wouldn't think that it would leave noticeable marks in the short amount of time that you had it. But I've never experienced them on my orchids (knock on wood!) so I've really not sure. If you had a bad case of spider mites you would also see some webbing. At least that's what happened when I had them on a houseplant a long time ago.
red dots, or like a rust colour coming off on the paper towel?
Yes, if there are rust colored residues on your paper towel, then it is very likely that you have spider mites. Hopefully you don't, and those are just heat/fungal spots