Originally Posted by pure bliss
well done to Irina.
But to keep it fair I will also add a picture to show members what would happen if one uses no Kelpmax at all ever also.
So just for comparison so that people get a better idea of the improvements they will achieve. This has been grown using no kelpmax.

Please understand that my motive for this post was to make folks aware that there is a product that will be a significant help to their growing, not just so I can sell the stuff.
Back in PA, I grew a lot of vandas, hung high in the greenhouse in slat baskets and no media.
About this time of year, the solar flux increased enough to bring them out of their “winter doldrums” and into active growth. I decided to use them as my “Guinea pigs” for testing Kelpak.
Typically, a mature vanda would put out 4-, to 6, or maybe as many as 8 new roots. After two Kelpak treatments, spaced 2 weeks apart, the average that year was 40.