I remember asking the same question once!
The answer I got in a nutshell was that it is "frowned upon." I didn't know what that meant exactly (aren't we just trying to grow orchids the best way we can?) but I think it was serious growers thinking that it would get plants docked points in judging situations.
To answer your question yes that is the reaction I expect and yes there is risk. Some plants, especially those which only have one lead may not recover from loosing it. It is a bit like surgery for humans, always risky and best to avoid, but I understand the draw, especially with walkeriana. I specifically don't grow walkers for that exact reason. I say if your plant is large and healthy, proceed with caution (cut clean and maybe cinnamon on the wound). I imagine there will be some strong gut reactions from other growers.
Last edited by Louis_W; 08-17-2022 at 03:51 AM..