Hi All, I have posted this on the classified section but have gotten no response. I hope I’m not delving into territory that is inappropriate, but m getting desperate. I belong to no orchid groups around my area, so I feel this is my best recourse. I am dismally failing at cultivating my Angraecum magdalenae. I bought them from Equagenera at Christmas time and I am doing them no favors. I feel they are reaching a critical point and I want to rehome them to someone who is will in to take on this task. I am most interested in trading them for a Cattleys purpurata, but really just want them to have a good home. I don’t intend to make a profit off them. There are 3 and they are blooming size. I am also a failure at uploading pictures so....I’m sorry, but you will have to adopt these without. I would just like you to pay shipping. PM me if you are interested.
