Time release fertilizer in direct contact with roots
I'm bad about remember to use liquid fertilizer on a regular schedule, so I use a time release fertilizer. My concern with this is that as orchids tend to do, I have many roots at the surface or right below the surface of the growing media. I try my best to keep the time release pellets from being in direct contact with the roots, but sometimes they work their way down there, and end up touching the roots (I mostly grow in clear pots, so I can see this is happening).
I haven't noticed any obvious harm coming to the roots, no black burn spots where the pellets touch the roots, or anything of that nature, but it still worries me. Is this something I should be concerned about? Have other people who use time release fertilizer noticed any harm to the roots when the pellets touch the roots? Does anybody have any suggestions for keeping the pellets away from the roots? Or am I worrying over nothing?