I agree that the purple colour is likely due to rotting.
Check out this link here --- some keen paph growers like this seemingly snake-oil sounding product called dragon's blood. However, I think it is called that only because it is red, and stains everything. But, apparently is effective, and at least some very experienced paph growers said it works.
Check this link on slippertalk, and other related threads over there :
click here
Also ..... use google to do this search "dragon's blood slippertalk".
I actually purchased some, but never had to use it. What they do is ..... they put a drop down into the crown area, where it spreads out and gets in. That is supposed to really give whatever nasty stuff (is down there) a really hard time.
In your case, I would probably take the plant out of the existing media, and not only treat the inside of the crown, but use a cotton bud to coat the sides of the purple leaf too. And repot into new media.
At this moment, rbarata is right. If it's bacterial, you have to act quickly. A good anti-bacterial treatment of at least some sort might be needed ------ one that doesn't harm paphs.
When you water your orchid, do you just water the media? The crown region hasn't recently been wet with rain etc right?