On the Beginner Discussions, Sara Jean asked the following question and I would really like some discussion about it:
This is just a general question for anyone that reads this and I am not meaning to hijack this thread in any way ... Can someone help me understand what the point is if a hydrogen peroxide soak for a sick orchid? I have read that it’s used to sterilize the root zone when repotting but I have never know it to be very effective at sterilizing organics. Inanimate objects, sure, and maybe some surface bacteria (good or bad) but it’s not a systemic and it’s pretty short acting. Is this just an old school hold over like ‘don’t fertilize your orchids when in bloom’? Similar to when we used to use H2O2 in surgery for wound care and debridements but don’t anymore due to it not really being effective and it increases healing time, yet people still use it at home. Or is there some science behind it?
I see this same peroxide vs no peroxide discussion over and over again. I don't use H202 anymore for wound care because of literature I've read that makes sense. It would be nice if the Bill Nyes of the OB could give a little education about H202 and orchids. Like fact based, not as seen on a YouTube video.
Please and thank you.