Originally Posted by Wrebbitrocks
sorry to be so naive, but what exactly do you mean by "spam". i dont want to be part of it and i hope i dont get flagged for doing so unintentionally. in another forum, they consider spam responding to a post about something irrelevant to what the authors posting, or starting a new thread that was been made already/ making it in the wrong forum, OR when someone posts ads or links in their response trying to sell something or mess with your computer. lplease shine some light on this. thanks 
Here on Orchid Board spam is having links to other sites where the reason for your post is only to advertise the other site, to raise it's ratings in search engines and/or to get people to click on the links and buy from or otherwise interact with the linked site.
Many of these posts are irrelevant but that does not mean that making posts in the wrong area or irrelevant ones are in themselves spam.
Some of them are getting clever and will actually cut and paste semi-relevant information about the orchid being discussed from elsewhere on the web... but it never
quite seems right in the context and will have the spam links to show it's not legit.
We won't ban anyone who seems to be a legitamat user. All spam reports (including infractions) are reviewed and if the user has previous posts where they seem to be genuiniely taking part in the board then they will be sent a message be a moderator asking them to remove the spam links (or the moderator will remove the links and ask the user not to put them back).
Most spammers are fairly obvious when you learn what to look for. Bad English (although bad English is not always a spammer) and either completely off topic or only vaugly on topic.
Sometimes we see ones we are suspicious of but have no spam links. These users are monitored until we make a decision either way. Some spammers will make posts, then about a week later come back and add the spam links. These links raise them in search engine ratings but are likely to go unnoticed as the posts have not been bumped.
Sometimes ones with links are borderline if they may be a genuine user who just thought to advertise as well. In that case we PM the user and remove the links and explain why. Some of those get upset and I'm afriad that just makes it more clear that the reason for being here was advertising and not for taking part.
But rest assured... anyone who (like yourselves) has been taking part in a genuine way would always be warned before being banned and posts deleted. We don't want to stop genuine users.