Yeah, I do. I really enjoy having a coffee while looking at my plants.
These little cuties I just love.
And can you imagine this windowsill later? Oh my- how many spikes can you see? 😎😍
This corner I like aswell. Yeah- the psychopsis thing. Gonna tell about that one and the Madonna later😜 They are cute, and I think the spots for each plant is okay for now.

(I actually dont have any flies, so the yellow thing is just in case)
The tomato-plant in the picture above? Its more where that came from… They are moving out later, and think the catasetum is gonna have that spot later.
Okay, and these? Adorable😍

Not all belong in that windowsill, some of them are just visiting. Just enjoying a bit of shaded morning sun😎
And the yellow one, growing to a pretty big and nice one. I can imagine how lovely the window will look when blooms. That window isnt shaded- just perfect morning sun in this.
I have some more, its a funny thing- they tend to grow in number pretty fast😜😂
Ah, later I'm gonna tell you about the repotting of the psychopsis and the "primadonna"- and the conversation I had with them during the repotting challenge I had going on inside my head. Lol, I'm weird. But I am enjoying the plants, and yeah.
That's most of my orchids. Hope you enjoyed them☺️