I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to sleep tonight with all my new orchids waiting patiently to be potted up, mounted, and nestled into their new digs within my home. I'm so excited!

And also a little nervous because the orchid show isn't over and I still want more!
Cym. goeringii
Cym. ensifolium
Cym. sinense
Phal. bastanii--looks like three small spikes!
Phal. mannii
Phal. tetraspis "C1"
Phal. (Sedirea) japonica--two spikes in bloom/bud
Phal cornu-cervi x 2
Paph. philippinense x sib
Paph. Yang-Ji Apple
Paph. Yang-Ji Diamond
Bouilly Port (Angel Hair x rothschildianum 'U.M' AM/AOS)
Paph. haynaldianum--in spike with three buds
Paph. wilhelmina--in spike with bloom and 2 buds
paph. moquetteanum x glaucophyllum--in spike with bloom and bud
Angraecum sesquipedale
Van. (Neost.) Pinky (V.(Neosf.) falcata "Pink' x Rhy. gigantea 'Red') --in spike with 9 buds
Flask of violacea var. coerulea
So, here's what I was thinking:
1. Chinese Cyms…not entirely sure yet (can they go in fine bark?)
2. Phals…mostly keep in sphag, but a few might like to be mounted, like maybe japonica or mannii.
3. Paphs…in paph orchid bark mix
4. Angraecum…not sure yet (contemplating semi-hydro like estaćion seca, though I am in a cooler climate [I do have heat mats])
5. Neo…spag.
6. the flask into either sphag or possibly semi-hydro (à la Ray's method).
What are your suggestions for what you think they might like best?