Show Coming Up: Trying to choose some suitable species to look for
Hello all,
I know questions like this are often asked and I have been searching the forum all day for an answer to my question but I wanted to ask specifically as well, because I didn't quite find what I wanted.
There is the annual Orchid Show and Sale next weekend and a friend of mine has twisted my arm into going. I want to buy something, but I want that something to be something i've researched and am not going to kill immediately!
I live in western Canada, we have very low humidity here, cold, dry winters that are very long (6-8 months) and short, very hot summers that are spotty when it comes to humidity.
I am new to orchids but not to plants. My current orchid is a phal of some kind (NoID from a commercial outlet) who I thought I was killing but everyone who posted in that thread seems to believe everything is fine. I told myself if I didn't kill that plant by the time the show came around, I could buy another one (a good rule I think!).
I currently have everyone in front of an East facing window, but I will be moving in September into a basement suite with a single window. I already own, and am happy to use grow lights (I have SunGlo's right now) to aid in that department. Indoor temps here are pretty much always at 21°C, with perhaps a small drop at night to 18°C (not sure what the temp set-up is going to be in the new place).
So, the characteristics i'm looking for, for my next orchid are (in order of priority):
- able to do well under artificial light and/or some natural light
- not a huge plant (I actually have preference for a true miniature, but only if it fulfils the other characteristics below)
- I absolutely can not remember to water every single day. So something that is good being watered maybe once a week. I'm happy to provide a humidity tray or misting a couple times a week
- I need something that's not too finicky, I need something thats a bit forgiving of the odd missed watering, etc (I am a beginner with orchids after all!)
- If it was fragrant, that would be such a bonus.
- My preferences for the colors of the blooms are : pure white, blues, orange, red, white and red combinations, very dark blue/purple
Some species that had caught my eye during my searches were:
Aerangis fastuosa
Iwanagara Apple Blossom
Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance' or 'Red Fantasy'
Further research has turned up that my top pick, the A. fastuosa is extremely finicky. While I would be happy to grow it in a little single gallon vivarium I am not so keen on the idea of watering it every day. Or the extremely high light levels i've been reading it needs.
I also really adore the Onicidium Sharry Baby and was curious if perhaps this might be an appropriate plant?
I look forward to your replies. If I have to stick with Phals. that's ok, but I'm curious to know what ideas some members may have!