Light levels for Orchids
I am in Southern California, but inland around 30 miles from the ocean. I am having issues with some of orchids having burning from light. I have been told that phals can handle sun this time of year, yet two of mine got badly burned. One of them is in spike and hopefully the blooms will no abort. I just received a light meter to read light levels in a proper way without just guessing it. I am confused because because say the light levels are low this time of year yet as you can see in one of my pictures the light recorded from the sun outside at 10:35 am on Dec 30th is 12,520 foot candles. What can I do to increase growth with the light I have yet not burn anything again. My neofinetia falcata and hybirds are during amazing, I have some burning on my catteylas also, but just a little. Also what would some reccommed me do to those burned phals, thank you.