These days begun what I call "anceps weather"...days with clear skies, full sun and low low at night (near freezing) that I have to move some orchids that grow outdoors to a closed balcony where lower temps are around 8ºC (46 F).
These orchids are:
Laelia milleri
Laelia briegeri
Sophronitis coccinea
Do you think these temps are damaging? At least it's better than outside...

I'm counting on low temp tolerance for them. Milleri and coccined are supposed to handle it but I'm not so sure about briegeri.
Also, when I get up, at dawn, I move them outside again so they can get winter sun for the rest of the day.
Inside this balcony I grow permanently:
Mediocalcar decoratum
Phap leeanum
Laelia vasconcelosiana
Coelogyne tomentosa
Mexicoa ghiesbreghtiana