Hello all,
Just a quick report on my two new Neofinetia's from New World Orchids.
Dr. Lehr was very helpful with my first purchase. I only knew that I wanted a tiger striped form and a pink flowering form. He picked these two out and shipped them out right away, so that I would receive them before the weekend. Super fast shipping and amazing customer service.
Both plants arrived in good condition but the packing was not quite up to Andy's Orchids or Oak Hill Gardens amazing packing techniques. There was a lot of wiggle room in the box. But neither orchid was damaged in transit, so that worked out just fine. The leaves were protected with packing material and the moss ball probably helped protect the plants as well. Both were potted in plastic, egg shaped pots that also provided extra protection for the roots. These pots are really great, providing lots of air circulation to the roots!
He included, along with the orchids, a really lovely indigo fabric piece called an Awa Ai. I believe that it's an example of the indigo trade, intended to help preserve the love and history of making products out of raw indigo materials. That history is now considered a cultural treasure. But I don't know much about it, so will have to do research. . .no doubt the whole point. Two points for Dr. Lehr!!!
Here's what Dr. Lehr sent me per my request for a pink blooming Neo and a Tiger Strip Neo:
Shojou: 3 growths that bloomed last year, with nice red markings on the leaves. This one should have "white flowers with pink tips, a little pink spur and peduncle."
Kinrokaku: 5 growths. "Tiger Stripe type, nice golden yellow markings.
Standard White: In the picture, there is a third Neo. that is the one I got from an Ebay seller, for comparison. It's a standard white blooming type with solid green leaves but a very nice one.
**I am wondering if NWO would have enough Neo orchids for all the group members in the US, if it were to be the winning orchid. . .will email him to see what he has in his greenhouse and if he would be interested in offering a slightly discounted group pricing.