The absolute truth! I'm so glad you posted this, too. Somehow I haven't because I figure everybody knows and loves Andy's, but Andy deserves a thread.
Every single time I've called, I've been surprised to hear, "Andy's Orchids. This is Andy." He's been patient, deeply informative, and very helpful - it's obvious that he takes every orchid personally. I suppose I could count the plants I have from Andy (I keep a spreadsheet of my plants), but it's enough to say that I have a lot. Words of praise for the health and vigor of every plant he ships are pale. I can't imagine finding better!
When I first ordered from Andy - about 15 years ago, and it was Zygostates alleniana - I was hesitant. I'd grown mounted orchids, but mostly on osmunda rafts, which retain water really well. The idea of "stick mounted" plants concerned me. To make a long story short, I've become an advocate of stick mounting, collecting my own sticks in my yard or in parks, and try to spread the gospel. Andy is quite wise. As a sort of aside to the story, when I first called him those 15 years ago, Zygostates alleniana wasn't listed on his site but I was desperately searching (it was a hard to find species at the time for some reason). I asked about it and he said that he had several of the plants but just not enough to list them, and sold me three.
If you are looking to buy an orchid OTHER than a large Phal (he grows miniatures), shop Andy's first. In my opinion, if you can't find an orchid you want (trust me, you'll NOT stop at one) from Andy then maybe you really don't want to buy an orchid, or you are searching for something really specific. (And if you are, call him because maybe he has it.)