Oncidium Sharry Baby from Seattle Orchid
Hey all,
Just showing off another purchase from Seattle Orchids. Got two Sharry babies to give to friends (and hopefully produce two new orchid fanatics). Both are good size plants and in bloom with some more blooms on the way. The one of the left looks like the ends of the two spikes were clipped off at some point for one reason or another. The one on the right has a spike coming up in the back and a really long spike currently in bloom. Both are POWERFULLY fragrant, to the point that at its peak, standing near both of them makes my eyes water. Anyway, just some words on what to expect from Seattle orchids.
P.S. they are having a black Friday sale on oncidium Sharry baby and a couple other varieties. If you want a chocolate orchid, now might be a good time to check it out...