5eed fraud on Ebay
After reading this post, I felt it so necessary to respond, I joined the group to do it. You are so right on the money with your suspicions of this fraudulant Ebay seller 5eeds. The seller you remember is ladybotany, who is now an unregistered user. There is several users connected to this scam. By doing a username search through feedback of this ladybotany you will find sirpoetry, kilmnet, 5ixteen (coincedence with the 5 used as an S??, This one even bid on 5eeds auctions!!) I too was tempted by the opportunity to get some rare seeds and never received anything from the seller. I did get my money back, but know of several very knowlegable gardeners who have received noxious weed seed from them. Please dont let your temptations over- ride your suspicions....your right, they are a big, big, fraud!!