Originally Posted by shadytrake
Here is the review. Good, bad, ugly.
Ren. Phillipinensis X Dr. Anek advertised in a 2" pot - no problem.
Actually a Better Gro baggie - not a problem except it is clear to me that he just left it in the baggie and didn't really care for it. I wonder if he got it off the death rack at a BBS (big box store) and is reselling.
Shipped fast - no problem.
Standard pull out of pot to inspect - desiccated roots, but possibility of new growth and rehydration.
Communication with seller -  The guy is extremely rude, accusatory, and defensive. He immediately accused me of damaging the plant by removing it from the pot. He said I should have cut the plastic pot away.
Ummm-it basically fell out of the pot, because there were barely any roots left.
He accused me of trying to intimidate him. I didn't. I just advised him that I was an experienced grower and an AOS student judge. Just to let him know that I wasn't a neophyte.
He said that I should have left the pot alone and just watered it for a year. Ummm - no. Any experienced grower knows how and when to inspect new orchids (especially when buying from eBay).
I advised him that I grow Vandas in the traditional way (hanging on hooks). He said that was for professional growers. I consider myself a professional grower even though I don't do it for money. I have invested thousands of dollars in my collection and setup.
I advised him that I would wait three days to see if new roots would initiate before I made my decision. New root (one) is initiating so I decided to keep the orchid.
I gave neutral feedback, but you might want to beware of this seller. He immediately accuses the buyer. I will not buy from again.
See photos. Last one is the advertisement. It obviously was not that plant because it was in the Better Gro mesh baggie.
CUSTOMPOKERSANDMORE.COMHello, Mellisa, I see you read, but did not acknowledge my e-mails... In my defense I must correct a few things here.
The last photo of the plant in the 2" pot in your post, IS your orchid, taken the morning of packaging and shipping. I take a photo of every order for records... which also shows that the orchids I sell do NOT stay in the mesh bags, as this will damage the leaves as they grow... but they are great for transport, therefor the reuse of the mesh bag.
Yes, they are Better Grow Orchids as the plastic name tag will indicate...
No, I do not acquire my inventory from death racks...
that to me, would be more costly in the long run. As I believe in doing a good job the first time.
If the customer is happy then they might tell 3-4 people. If the customer is unhappy they will tell 50 people and that is more difficult to deal with, of course...
You mention that it slid right out of the pot... BUT you fail to mention the bark and charcoal it had grown to for approx. 1 yr...
peeling the roots away from the medium and straightening them is rarely done without damage.
I do have a return policy, but does not cover customer abuse... now don't get me wrong, I AM SURE you were VERY careful, but no matter how careful, anyone could be, peeling the roots away from bark and medium it has grown to WILL damage the skin of the root if not break it...
I did NOT tell you or suggest at all to leave it in the pot and just water it... the listing itself is clear and states is ready to transplant in to 4" pot, not on a spike. that was your choice...
I did however suggest cutting the pot away if grown to it instead of pulling it from the stalk to pull it out...
So you contradict yourself in this post when you say I said to cut it out, then you say I said to just water it.
You were talking about returning it, but wanted to wait 3 days...
Sorry but the return policy is for item returned in same condition. it was in a 2" pot with tape around it to keep any loose medium and the plant from falling out, you removed it, VOIDING any return at all.
I would not be able to sell it right away if it was returned. I would have to make sure it would survive and care for it for a period of time to ensure health for the customer purchasing...
After you took offense, to me trying to help and offer advice, not knowing your level of expertise, and very aggressively tooting your own horn that you are a professional, how much money you spent and you were a judge with AOS, did not give you a free pass for a return considering the removal of the plant from the pot and not being able to be returned in same condition as received...
You FAIL to mention ALL the correspondence to make yourself look NOT GUILTY
Yes, I did ask you to purchase elsewhere in the future!
Most would have been happy with the quick response to your cry, the offering of help and care.
I did say I was sorry for not knowing your level of expertise as most on ebay require assistance, hence my offer to help... my offer of help was NOT to belittle you...
I also mentioned that may be you were trying to help me by letting me know the condition of stock I had purchased... I tried to look at it a different way and give this as an easy way for us to regain a positive relationship.
you did not respond well... as in this post...
100% positive feedback for 2 yrs standing!
Read my Feedback determine for yourself if Melissa left
neutral feed back or bad feedback in the neutral spot so it can't be removed!
Yes, when I buy 200 babies I get a discount...
Most do not have a facility to board a large quantity.
CO2 injection, climate, temp, humidity, lighting, watering...all auto. ANI Airborne Nutrient Dispersal with cool misters and humidity controlled nutrient injection system.
Does anyone sterilize their tools before use, check out this Orchid Potting Instructions from Better Grow Orchids on my site at ...
Vanda, Ascocenda, Renanthera, Orchids, CustomPokersAndMore,
Either way you may not be happy with me, but I am glad you are happy with your orchid...
Thank You, Melissa
Roger K. Custompokersandmore.com