well my schwerter order arrived. am liking the flowers on the venosa primary hybrids but don't like the smell.
my venosa x speciosa plant has 7 spikes
all except one have spikes

did break one of the spikes on the venosa x sumatrana but theres 3 more.
didn't realise how big venosa hybrids were which is a bit of a problem.
this is what I bought:-
Phal. mannii Dark x amboinensis flavida
Phal. cornu-cervi x fasciata mit Rispe
Phal. venosa x sumatrana - mit Rispe
Phal. amboinensis x equestris - mit Rispe
Phal. venosa x zebrina - mit Rispenansatz
Phal. bellina 'Ponkan' x bellina 'blue'
Phal. venosa x speciosa mit Rispe
Phal. mannii 'Black' x schilleriana
as always was nicely packed, took me quiet a while to unpack.
all very nice but don't think i'll be able to get them to flower again with out some more well lit grow space.