Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust?
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Old 11-01-2014, 08:08 PM
orchidsarefun orchidsarefun is offline
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Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust? Male

if you look at it from the point of view that 50 is the new 25, then there is no problem at all
Every Orchid Society has this problem. I think its due to the fact that nothing much happens with orchids and the younger generations are more geared to being constantly 'stimulated'. I remember my folks telling me that they could entertain themselves with a rope and a stick. That sure has changed..
If I have told my son to get off the XBox/Computer/Smartphone a million times its not enough.
However, I am an old fart, so whaddya I know....
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Old 11-01-2014, 08:43 PM
LovePhals LovePhals is offline
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Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust? Female

Originally Posted by Ray View Post
I wonder why?

I have emailed them to inquire.
Please, let us know what they say. They have great plants, that is really too bad!
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Old 11-02-2014, 12:08 PM
Paul Paul is offline
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Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust? Male

Originally Posted by smweaver View Post
You bring up another critical point: how do we get the younger generations interested in the hobby? I periodically go to a local meeting and it's like walking into an interactive museum exhibit. I'm frequently one of the youngest attendees, and I'm in my late forties.
This topic has come up before. Do a forum search and you may be able to locate the discussion(s). Can't remember offhand what search terms would best be used.

In any event, much may come down to your society's attitude as well as how progressive they are contact-wise.

These days, folks like me who do not Facebook are quite a rarity. Thus it may well behoove an os to have a
regularly updated Facebook page. The page should have clearly indicated meeting times & location with information as to what will be the topic of discussion at that meeting and who the speaker (if any) will be. Upcoming events such as shows or outings should also be presented in an easily noticeable fashion. (Addresses and directions to the meeting hall, or event are a must.) Don't forget to supply some sort of contact information. A few up-to-date photos from past meetings or events should be posted regularly (not only of the plants but the people involved as well).

Attitude is a huge issue. For example, I have not been to an os meeting in years. The two os's within driving distance to me I found to be very cold/cliquish. As such I have no desire to bother with them. My first os, in sharp contrast, was extremely welcoming to any newcomers and seemed to lack any real cliques. Another possible attitude issue to watch out for is how any youngsters are treated by the "old guard." I recall a young'un I know from another forum relating an irksome issue he experienced when he first started attending an os in his region. At that time he was a teenager and was by far the youngest person there. Despite his youth, he had been growing several orchids and some other plants for a number of years. Because of his age, most of the elder members seemed to have had the notion that he couldn't possibly know much of anything about growing orchids or have much to contribute to discussions. While he had joined the society knowing there was undoubtedly a great deal to learn -- especially regarded plants he had yet to try -- he found it very off-putting to have his thoughts/opinions so quickly dismissed out of hand. If he hadn't been so strongly enamored with orchids he likely would not have bothered returning to that os. As it was, he said it still took months before anyone took him seriously and quit treating him like a complete child.

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Old 11-10-2014, 03:44 PM
MCSchrum MCSchrum is offline

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Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust? Male

I was very bummed to hear about this. I put in my first and only order to Oak Hill this spring. I was very satisfied with my order. I got the seedling economy special, 10 seedling orchids for $44 shipped, hard to beat. There were quite a few surprises in that order, none of them a disappointment. I ended up with a blooming size Dendrobium cucumerinum, a very cool orchid!
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Old 11-10-2014, 04:19 PM
Ordphien Ordphien is offline
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Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust? Male

That is sad news.
I was planning my first order with them for my birthday.

As far young people in the orchid hobby.
I'm 22, hope is not lost.
All my friends have orchids now.
Sure they aren't super into the hobby.
But even my friends with the blackest thumbs have at least a phal and dendrobium. Some have quite a few more.
Recently one of my friends bought her first ever micro mini.
So that's 12 more young people.

It's kind of hard to break into a hobby that's mainly older generations.

I'm a young guy, and I like to crochet. Love making scarves. So I went to a specialty yarn store.
The moment I entered the room every lady in the store went quiet, stopped knitting, and pursed their lips till I left.
I ended up not getting anything.
They shut down eventually. No one felt comfortable going.
Recently a new yarn store opened.I braced myself, and went.
Whole different experience. The store was warm and inviting, the ladies were extremely friendly and knowledgeable.
They really kept the younger generations in mind, with some very attractive knitted examples that were very on trend. The store was great with their online presence. Easy to find information on all the main sites. They had a few computers in the store too should you wish to look up stiches or patterns.
I had a great time and was very impressed.
So I really think it's all about how you approach younger generations.

I also like to garden, I went to a different nursery last week and was treated like I was an idiot for the same reasons. Never going back.

I've never felt much need to join an OS. The staff at the greenhouse I go to is very friendly and knowledgeable. This forum has been a suburb resource too.

I'm sad though that I'm breaking into hobbies just as they are going through a big shift.
Orchid nurseries shutting down.
A few rose and specialty plant nurseries I'll never get to order from.
Perhaps we should become more active with trading and selling divisions.
I've noticed that section isn't very happening.

Two last things.
I don't have Facebook. So there are young people who don't have one either.
Nothing against it, I just don't get the point.
And I think some of you would be surprised exactly often younger people are entertained by a stick and a rope.
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Old 11-10-2014, 04:39 PM
MCSchrum MCSchrum is offline

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To contribute to the discussion about involvement of younger people in OSs, I am a younger person, 29. There is a local orchid society in my community. They have a Facebook page, but it is never updated. Their Facebook page says they have meetings once a month, but they don't post the time and location of these meetings. So it's hard to tell whether I'm missing out on anything by not being involved with this group.

I've gleaned quite a bit of information about orchid growing from online forums, such as this, and from visiting a few commercial orchid growers and retailers. There aren't too many of them in my home state, Missouri, but whenever I visit them, I usually spend quite a bit of time pressing them to tips, tricks, and other info.

It would probably be nice to get involved with a group of fellow orchid growers in my community, especially if there were other members close to my age. I know they're out there. Not all millennials have their nose buried in their Iphone, or have their eyes permanently affixed to some sort of screen. Young orchid growers are out there, and it doesn't seem like OSs are doing to much to reach out to them.
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Old 11-10-2014, 04:58 PM
Bulbofett Bulbofett is offline
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Oak Hill--Another one bites the dust? Female

I really don't think the societies are reaching out to the younger generation, but I also think that the only way to make change happen is to get involved. I actually e-mailed my Orchid society president asking for any jobs that needed filled. I don't expect a high ranking one, but anything to make a difference helps.

Sure, I can sit here and say that it is all the societies fault, etc... etc... but what good does that do? I go to the meetings, and make newcomers feel welcome in a way that I did when i first joined. If people don't go to the society meetings because of a bad experience or 2 then they are, in a sense, perpetuating the negativity.

I can't say you'll change any aged minds, but what about newcomers coming into the group? You can make their experience better than the one you had.
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Old 11-10-2014, 05:14 PM
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I am 13 and the youngest member of my orchid society, the local orchid society is friendly and well organised but I think they dont advertise themselves enough. I think that OS's arent doing much to reach younger people, and older ones to.

I know quite a few people who didnt even know there was a local orchid society so obviously they wouldnt have joined.
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Old 11-10-2014, 06:23 PM
Dillon123 Dillon123 is offline
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Originally Posted by 801229001 View Post
I am 13 and the youngest member of my orchid society, the local orchid society is friendly and well organised but I think they dont advertise themselves enough. I think that OS's arent doing much to reach younger people, and older ones to.

I know quite a few people who didnt even know there was a local orchid society so obviously they wouldnt have joined.

Shucks! I thought I was the youngest on orchid board😁

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Old 11-10-2014, 07:11 PM
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Perhaps clubs and societies should reach out to elementary schools with projects. A couple of flasks, a couple of dozen pots and media wouldn't be too costly. A few divisions for group projects. You get the point. I was very fortunate to have been raised with orchids (and a veritable suburban jungle), most kids aren't.

Although I'm not a club/society meetings kind of person, I'd go, even join, for the right speaker. Webcasts would be great!

Anyway, it's important to maintain enough interest to keep vendors in business.

(Mods: perhaps we can spin this off into its own thread?)
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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